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User identity management


This article only applies to Docker and Kubernetes installations.

By default, users can authenticate themselves using the Linksight Identity Provider, which offers various sign-in methods, such as Microsoft, GitHub or using a magic link. All users signing into the Governance Hub will be offered these sign-in methods.

For the local installation of the Analysis Hub, we allow different kind of identity providers.

Analysis Hub identity providers

The following identity providers are supported in the Analysis Hub:

Linksight Identity Provider

By default, the Analysis Hub will use the Linksight Identity Provider to allow users to sign in. This offers seamless user management where all users and user roles set in the Governance Hub will be automatically used in the Analysis Hub.

Microsoft OIDC Provider

The Microsoft OIDC Provider can be used to manage users in the Analysis Hub.

Required OIDC scopes: openid, email, profile

The following settings need to be configured in the Analysis Hub configuration:


Microsoft users can be managed in the Governance Hub, and will be listed as local users. Read the User Management section for more information.

Set up using Entra ID

  1. Go to and sign in.
  2. Go to Identity > Applications > App registrations.
  3. Click on New registration.
  4. Set up the application.
    • Supported account types: Accounts in this organizational directory only (XXX only - Single tenant)
    • Redirect URI: Web + https://<analysis-hub-host>/auth/callback
  5. Click on Register.
  6. Go to Overview
    • The Directory (tenant) ID is the tenant_id
    • The Application (client) ID is the client_id
  7. Go to Certificate & secrets.
  8. Create a new client secret
    • The provided value is the client_secret

Custom OIDC Provider

A custom OIDC Provider can be used to manage users in the Analysis Hub.

Required OIDC scopes: openid, email, profile

The following settings need to be configured in the Analysis Hub configuration:


Custom OIDC users can be managed in the Governance Hub, and will be listed as local users. Read the User Management section for more information.

Local credentials (username/password)

Users can be managed with local credentials (username/password).

The following settings need to be configured in the Analysis Hub configuration:


Local credential users can be managed in the Governance Hub, and will be listed as local users. Read the User Management section for more information.

User management

All users and local users (except the local credentials) are managed in the Governance Hub. When a new local user logs into the Analysis Hub, then the user is automatically added to your organization without any roles.

For local credentials, users with the Organization admin role can create and remove users in the Analysis Hub on the Users page. To assign roles to the local user, go to the Users page in the Governance Hub.

User creation

User creation differs depending on the chosen identity provider.

  1. Go to the Users page in the Governance Hub.
  2. Click on Invite.
  3. Complete the form.
  4. Click on Invite.
  5. Ask the user to sign into the Governance Hub and accept the invitation.

Role assignment

These steps require the Organization admin role.

To assign roles to an exiting (local) user:

  1. Go to the Users page in the Governance Hub.
  2. Locate the (local) user, and click on the three dots on the right.
  3. Click on Update roles.
  4. Assign one or multiple roles to the user.
  5. Click on Save.

Linking local users to Linksight users allows the local user to automatically inherit all roles from the Linksight user.

These steps require the Organization admin role.

To link a local user to a Linksight user:

  1. Go to the Users page in the Governance Hub.
  2. Locate the local user, and click on the three dots on the right.
  3. Click on Link to user.
  4. Choose the local user you would like to link.
  5. Click on Save.