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Upgrade with Helm

To upgrade a Linksight installation deployed with the Linksight Helm chart, follow the next instructions:

  1. Update the helm chart repository.
    helm repo update
  2. Check whether the version number is overridden in your values.yaml file.
    • If so: change the version number of all components to the desired version.
    • If not: check for new chart versions, and verify that the app version of the linksight chart is different from the current release.
      # List current releases in namespace
      helm list -n <namespace>
      # List latest available charts in the Linksight repo
      helm search repo linksight
  3. Upgrade the helm release to the new version.
    helm upgrade -n <namespace> <your-release-name> -f values.yaml
    # or
    helm upgrade -n <namespace> <your-release-name> --reuse-values