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Install Linksight with Azure Marketplace item

The Linksight software can be easily installed in an Azure tenant with the Linksight Azure application. This Linksight marketplace item can be found in the Azure Marketplace.

Solution overview

The solution consists of a virtual machine, which is setup to run the Linksight software using Docker in Supervised mode. Accompanying Azure resources like a network interface, a public IP address, a virtual network and a network security group are deployed as well.


The Linksight software consists of two components:

  • Data station: The core where the datasets are managed and protocols are run together with other data stations across organizations.
  • Analysis Hub: The component (frontend and backend) where users interact with the data station and Linksight platform to run data analyses.


  • A user account in the Azure portal.
  • An Azure tenant with a subscription where the solution will be deployed.
  • A user account on the Governance Hub ( with the IT admin or Organization admin role.
    • No user account? Ask your organization administrator to invite you to the organization, or create a new organization after signing in.


  1. Log into the Azure Portal.

  2. Go to the Azure Marketplace.

  3. Search for the Azure application Linksight Data Station & Analysis Hub (link).

  4. Click on Create.

  5. Follow the wizard to configure the marketplace item.

    • Basics: Select or create a new empty resource group and select the region.
    • Virtual machine: Select the VM size, operating system and configure the details for the administrator account.
    • Domain name + IP:
      • Pick under domain name the Analysis Hub should be accessible. The options are:
        • An Azure domain name *.<region>
        • Your own domain name
      • Choose whether to setup TLS of the Analysis Hub frontend with Let's Encrypt or with your own certificates.
        • When choosing to use your own certificates, upload the certificate file and the certificate key file.
        • The certificate file should be a PEM encoded .crt file. The key file should be an unencrypted PEM encoded .key file. Encrypted key files are not supported.
  6. Review the configuration on the last tab of the wizard, and click on Create.

  7. Wait for the deployment to finish.

  8. Go to the resource group, and inspect the Public IP address resource.

  9. Depending on which domain name type was picked:

    • Azure domain name: The Analysis Hub will be accessible on the domain under DNS name.
    • Your own domain name: Copy the IP address, and add a A record to your DNS zone for the configured domain name.
  10. Access the Analysis Hub on your domain name. It can take up to 5 minutes for the installation to complete and the Analysis Hub to be ready.


The Linksight software is now up and running! Follow the instructions on the page Register nodes to register the nodes.

Maintenance and troubleshooting

To update the configuration, or investigate issues with the software, access the secure shell of the virtual machine using SSH. Review the Azure page Connect to a Linux VM to find the preferred way to connect to the VM.

Stop the Linksight software

$ cd linksight
$ docker compose down

Start the Linksight software

$ cd linksight
$ docker compose up -d

Show logs of the containers

$ cd linksight
$ docker compose logs -f

Show all running containers

$ docker ps

Next steps

  • Register the nodes. Follow the instructions on the page Register nodes.